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Online Learning Resources 線上學習資源  

E4E Blog

基礎文法一 : 詞類介紹與練習(by Sarah Chen)



如何讓作文描述生動 / Tips on Descriptive Writing - Show Not Tell (by Sarah Chen)



閱讀練習- 基於 Oxford Owl 的故事: 練習一練習二

Reading Comprehension - based on stories in Oxford Owl (by Sarah Chen)


Quill is a free resource that lets you correct grammar errors in given articles, and check answers, then it will explain the related grammar rules for you. 


Oxford Owl


Online picture books


Practice English conversation and pronunciation。 


Learn spoken English



數十個簡單、直接、適合各程度英文學習者的文法、拼寫和字彙相關的遊戲。 然而,這個網站來自英國, 因此有些語法會與美國英語有些不同。

Dozens of simple, straightforward games about grammar, spelling, and vocabulary reach out to English language learners at all levels.  Keep in mind, however, that this site is based in the U。K。 and follows a different set of linguistic rules than American English.


This series of vocabulary and games runs the gamut from elementary to high school levels of proficiency. Each is recommended for both native speakers as well as students learning English as a second or third (or more) language.


Power Words

PBS 卡通人物 WordGirl 和她的夥伴 Huggy 隊長對抗公平城市裡最險惡的公民,但在這遊戲裡是由玩家來決定行動過程。 選錯字彙會讓歹徒及其卑鄙的陰謀得逞。

PBS’ WordGirl and her simian sidekick Captain Huggy Face do battle against Fair City’s most sinister citizens, but it’s up to players to determine the course of the action. Picking the wrong words means letting the villains follow through with their sneaky plots.


LearnEnglish Kids

英國文化協會所提供的一套涵蓋了英語不同元素的超酷線上遊戲。最重要的是,他們鼓勵同學、朋友或兄弟姐妹之間以協作式來玩遊戲,尤其希望在過程中, 年紀大的孩子能指導帶領年紀小的孩子來學習。

The British Council presents a suite of super cool games covering different elements of the English language. Best of all, they encourage collaborative play between friends and siblings, particularly 

hoping older kids will guide younger ones in their studies.


FreeRice - Vocabulary Building

你每答對一題,我們捐出 10 克稻米到聯合國世界糧食計畫。

For each answer you get right, we donate 10 grams of rice to the United Nations World Food Program.



首先設計你自己的模樣, 然後將您喜愛的動物的部份身體, 例如翅膀、尾巴、爪子等等, 加到自己身上。 寫一篇關於你新創建的半人半獸角色到野外歷險的故事。

First design your human self. Then add your favorite animal parts to go wild! Write a story about your newly created self.


Story Starters

類似吃角力老虎機器, 利用拉桿及四個按鈕來隨機產生一個題目(包含四項要素)來讓您創造故事。您可以一直嘗試(重拉拉桿或按按鈕)直到出現一個組合題目能夠激發出你的想像力來開始寫作。

Spin the wheel for a randomized story starter sentence. Keep spinning until a sentence sparks your imagination.


Funbrain Words

這個網站鼓勵小孩與家長或老師一起玩, 可練習拼字、文法與加強字彙。

Funbrain Words’ games and activities are meant to be enjoyed between children and their parents or teachers rather than alone. Here, they practice their spelling, grammar, and vocabulary skills and can even learn the alphabet in American Sign Language.


Vocabulary at 

這個網站收錄了一些典型但有效的英文字彙遊戲:  Word Scrambles, Hangman 與其他。

Adult ESL and EFL learners sharpen their skills through the usual (but effective!) word scrambles, hangman, and other challenges frequently wielded in the classroom. Teachers especially need to point their older students here for a great supplement to formal lessons.


ESL Fun Games Online 

這個網站的遊戲有適合各種程度的選擇, 也有可以印出來的遊戲, 可練習拼字、文法與加強字彙。

Appropriate for all ages and skill levels, this site also provides printable games for classroom use, as well as ways to develop acumen in other academic subjects. With so many engaging activities regarding spelling, vocabulary, and grammar to choose from, any learners are likely to find something viable here.


EnglishClub ESL Games

這個網站有非常多遊戲, 分成教師入口與學生入口, 可加強發音、文法與字彙, 還整合 Ning 讓你可以成立社團網頁。

 EnglishClub’s massive suite of ESL games work on honing pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary through familiar activities, like hangman and word jumbles. Older students and adults in particular will find these incredible useful supplements to their classroom lessons.


Spelling & Word Relationships at Academic Skill Builders 

這個網站可以練習拼字與字彙用法, 利用 Arcade 類型的小遊戲, 有外星人、賽車與小動物, 小孩會喜歡的。

Get younger kids learning proper spelling as well as how vocabulary words fit together with one another through exciting arcade-style games. Featuring aliens, fast cars, and animals, students probably won’t complain too much about these engaging animated activities!


Word Games at Games for the Brain 

這個遊戲網站是為加強拼字與字彙能力, 以及加強閱讀速度與打字速度。在首頁選擇 "Word Games", 你還可以將遊戲嵌入自己的網頁中。

Whether an ESL/EFL adult wanting some help in classes or a native speaker just looking to build on what’s already there, this set of eclectic word games might prove invigorating. Most of them involve spelling and vocabulary, though the site does boast some great exercises in speed reading and speed typing.


Building Language for Literacy

這個來自 Scholastic 的遊戲是為學齡前幼童設計, 包括 naming 、rhyming、letter-matching。

Scholastic’s series of three pre-K through kindergarten activities cover different skills necessary to succeed in literacy and reading comprehension. Gentle animal pals guide ESL and native speakers of the appropriate age through naming, rhyming, and letter-matching games.


Grammar Ninja 

這個忍者世界的遊戲, 考考你對句子中各個組成詞彙的瞭解, 是個有趣的遊戲。

As kids level up, they learn more and more parts of speech in order to save a threatened dojo. Throwing a star at the wrong word and everything explodes, which is actually pretty fun, even for adults.

Word Games at Merriam-Webster

這個來自Merriam-Webster 的網站有 Scrabble、Jumbles、Word Searches 與 Crossword Puzzles, 還有更多遊戲, 讓高中與大學學生建立語言能力, ESL/EFL 或母語為英文的學習者都適用。

Classics like Scrabble, jumbles, word searches, and crossword puzzles are absolutely perfect for adult ESL/EFL learners or native speakers wanting to build their vocabularies. But Merriam-Webster also hosts a slew of other interactive games meant to nurture literacy at the high school and college levels.


Language Arts Games at Mr. Nussbaum

這個 Mr. Nussbaum 整理的資源, 可加強拼字、字彙、說故事等能力, 有不同程度的選擇。

The Mr. Nussbaum suite of educational games provide spelling, vocabulary, storytelling, and other necessary language arts skills for a wide range of age and skill levels. Right now, the featured game, Spellerz, teaches vocabulary words (and how to spell them!) to first through seventh graders in an alien-fighting challenge.


Word Games at

這個適合高中或成人練習英文的網站, 將一些大家熟悉的遊戲像 Boggle、Scrabble 做了點變化, 還可跟自己朋友或線上其他國家的學習者一起玩。

Another great stop for high school and adult learners, packed with new twists on familiar names like Boggle and Scrabble as well as more obscure selections. Some even involve multiplayer mode for competing against friends and users from around the world.


Tracy Boyd’s Quia

這個在 Quia 平台上的學習資源含超過五十個遊戲, 有各種不同類型遊戲(甚至像"誰想成為百萬富翁?"), 練習 Speech 、Sequencing 與文法。

 This speech pathologist has developed more than 50 games involving speech and sequencing, with plenty to engage many different types of learners. Some activities even pull inspiration from popular favorites like Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Grammar Practice Park

這個來自教科書出版商 Harcourt 的網站, 有為三到五年級學生設計的文法與句子結構練習。

 Harcourt offers a great selection of grammar grades for third through fifth graders, appropriate for students learning English as a first, second, or tertiary language. Lessons mainly focus on parts of speech and sentence structures, with a few other relevant subjects thrown into the mix.

Literacy at BBC Schools

這個網站有兩個年齡群的遊戲 — 4 ~ 7 與 7 ~ 11 歲, 加強文法拼字與閱讀能力。

 Choose an age range — 4 to 7 or 7 to 11 — and play appropriate games based on grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and other necessary reading skills. As with most of the kid-friendly games listed here, these work great for students from both ESL/EFL and native speaking backgrounds.

Reading Ring

這個加菲貓教授(Professor Garfield)系列之一的學習遊戲, 適合小孩學習故事結構中的順序關係。

Part of the Professor Garfield initiative, this boxing-themed game scrambles comic panels that need to be swapped back in order. For young students needing to learn about sequence in storytelling, it proves a fun little pastime with some familiar faces.

Language Arts at

這個資源可以加強字彙、拼字、說故事與其他語言能力, 還有可以印出來的練習材料。

Whether looking for kid-friendly games about vocabulary, spelling, storytelling, or similar language arts subjects, has parents, teachers, and students covered. The site even provides printable worksheets for offline learning opportunities and supplements.

Power Proofreading

這個網站適合從幼稚園到五年級的學生練習拼字與文法, 以及閱讀能力, 來自 Houghton-Mifflin。

Suitable for kindergartners through fifth graders, Houghton-Mifflin’s Power Proofreading challenges them to apply their knowledge of spelling and grammar to a basic editing situation. Not only does this assist in furthering their core language abilities, it bolsters reading comprehension as well.



這個網站讓你觀賞 YouTube 影片同時學英文。你可以同時聽與閱讀英文旁白,或者也可關掉英文字幕,影片下方就有字彙導讀。(有分不同內容頻道、不同程度方便選擇適合自己的影片)

This website helps you learn English through watching YouTube videos. You can listen to and read the English at the same time, or you can turn off the English subtitle, and vocabulary study is right below the video.










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