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You can ask questions about English here, our tutors will respond as best as they can.

You can ask and answer questions anonymously here, and you can edit or delete your own posts only. You can report inappropriate content, if your content is reported not appropriate for this forum, you probaly won't be able to publish content here any more if web administer says so.

If you like to follow some conversations by email, you need to sign up yourself by entering email address, password and nickname. If you help to answer questions, you will build up your reputation here.

你可以在這裏問問題,tutors 會盡力回答。這個論壇允許匿名發表,但你只能編修或刪除自己發表的內容。你可以舉報不適當內容,如果你發表的內容遭舉報而且站長決定不歡迎你,以後你將被取消發言資格。如果你想要收到關於特定對話的更新通知,你需要建立帳戶並登入。如果你幫忙回答問題,將會累積你在這裏的聲譽。

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